Satin Finish


For a finish that is smooth as satin

A durable and stylish option

Bring a smooth satiny feel to your antiques with our satin finishing. Satin finish is durable, has a slight sheen and is easy to clean. To find out more about the benefits and characteristics of satin finish paint call us today.

Remove unsightly rust

Don't let rust ruin your precious metal belongings. Get a satin finish on your metal antiques and collectibles and make them look like new again!

Satin finishing is:

- Durable

- Lustrous

- Attractive

- Easy to clean

Repair, restore or polish your antiques and heirlooms

Our team can bring your precious antiques back to their original glory. From old silverware to a precious family heirloom, we can make it shine again!


Remove tarnish, avoid deterioration and bring life to your antiques.

For more information, call us now on:


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